Thursday, February 5, 2009

Ruptured Sac Again!

Last night my contractions picked with pressure, but no real pain. The OB doc did an exam and everything looked ok. Overnight, everything went back to normal. This morning, I was excited because all bleeding had stopped.

Then it all started, guess things just weren't exciting enough anymore!

The unit I was in was getting so busy the last couple days, they decided to move me to the "regular" labor and delivery wing...because I was their most stable patient. I was in my new room a matter of minutes, when my water ruptured again! This time it all happened very fast and my contractions picked up to 1-3 min. apart. Don't worry, they have not been painful contractions, just frequent.

They did an exam and said I am dialated about 1cm, yet there still is no tension on the cerclage. (To understand this better, the stitch is on the inside of my cervix or top end and the bottom or outer portion can still open). At first, they thought they may have to remove the cerclage, but because I never went into labor (with pain) they ruled that out. Now, my contractions are farther apart, but a little more painful. So, again we just wait to see...

It looks as though things will settle down. If the pain increases they will reevaluate. And of course, Eric is here and now everything is slowing down...guess it was a false alarm (so far).
I just like to keep it exciting!! We don't like dull moments :)

If you want to understand how I'm doing at the moment, I'll tell you...I'm starving and can't wait until they will allow me to eat again :)


  1. Thank you for the update. You remain in our prayers.

  2. Thinking about you guys tonight, hope everything is still staying slow and even better, stopped.

  3. Things have calmed down now and the docs don't want to do anything tonight if they don't have to.
