Monday, March 23, 2009

Taking 100% Of Feedings!

Right now Matthew is taking 100% of his feedings. It all started when the docs walked in to do rounds Saturday morning. When they got to Matthew's bed and looked down, they saw that he had his feeding tube (pulled out) in one hand, and the nasal canula was in his mouth! I guess he was hungry :) And he was just smiling away :) As you can see, he is already up to mischief! Since then, they have only had to put the feeding tube in once (which he again pulled out!) and he has been taking 100% of his feeding himself. Keep up the good work Matthew!!!

Now, our goal is to get him off the "flow" of air and get him home. They are trying to put him on O2 again today, but just a tiny bit, to see if he can tolerate the work of his lungs. If he gets too tired or reduces his feeds/energy, he will go back on the "air flow", and we will just keep trying until he's ready. Once he is on his own (no "flow"), then he can come home with or without O2 (which he needs right now only when he is eating). Hopefully that makes sense.

I am shooting for next week or earlier!! He gets stronger everyday and is looking great...Praise God!! I am thankful everyday that he is now a great part of our lives and that we have such a wonderful family and friends!

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