Monday, March 2, 2009

Still Growing!

Matthew is doing great! He is now 5 lbs 1 oz (until tomorrow) and gaining 40-60g per day. He is starting to take small amt. of his feedings from a bottle or mom, and he is doing better with maintaining his O2 levels. Everytime I see him, he looks a little bigger and longer. Last week, his smallest preemie clothes either just fit or were way too big. Today they seem to be fitting him pretty well, but still comfortably roomy :) We are anticipating that he may be coming home in 2-3 wks, if all continues to go well, he can get off O2, and continue to take his own feedings. We will see....time is actually flying by, now that I'm not on the couch and I am back to "real life", and I love every minute of it!! I have only stretched out on the couch ONCE since I have had Matthew and that was ONLY because Andrew wanted to read stories and requested that we lay on the couch :)

Andrew is doing very well and is also ready for Matthew to come home. He was able to go see his little brother over the weekend and was really excited to hear him cry, smile at his voice, and open his eyes. Most of the time that Andrew has seen him, he has been sleeping. Eric, I, and my dad have been doing well also...keeping up with the busy schedule, but enjoyable schedule :) And much awaiting the moment Matthew gets to come home!

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