Thursday, February 26, 2009

Just Watching Him Grow!

That is what the docs say everytime they do rounds in the morning "Just watching him grow". As of last night, Matthew weighs 4 lbs 12 ozs, we have yet to get a weight on him today. It seems like he is gaining approx. 2-3 ozs daily, so he may be over 5 lbs by the weekend :) He is doing very well. Still on O2, but very little. He now has the top of his incubator open and he has to be able to control his temperature and keep gaining weight to keep it up...he's moving in the right direction so far. He is now wearing preemie clothes, a little hat, is bundled (so you really can't see that he has clothes on :), and he has borrowed his big brother's train blanket to get cozy under. It all just makes him that much cuter! I'd put on a new picture, but (BAD MOM) I keep forgetting the's still on the computer where I downloaded pictures last time!!! Maybe tomorrow...

Andrew is finally getting control of his cough and gets to go back to school. We are hoping he gets over this sinus stuff soon, so he can visit his little brother. I will be taking tomorrow off to spend with Andrew, and Sunday I will also stay home with Andrew and give Dad (Eric) the entire day to spend with Matthew. Andrew is still being strong, but I can tell it's beginning to wear on him. I guess he needs to get used to having to share his time. Eric and I have both agreed that he will have major "grandpa withdrawal" in the future due to getting so much attention and "good" spoiling. I think they have formed a great bond that will last a lifetime :)

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