Thursday, January 22, 2009

Just Getting Started

I am just starting this blog site. I hope this will be a helpful way to communicate with everyone on how things are going with our pregnancy. The way I see it is, if the baby is born early, I can use this site to keep everyone updated on how he is doing in NICU and even after we bring him home.

Later on, I can use this site to keep everyone updated on both boys and our general family news.

I know I should have started this 7 weeks ago, when I started my bed rest, but I am hoping to fill everyone in (that is interested) about our journey as I go. Plus, this will be a great way to pass my time and keep my mind off of my contractions, etc.

This will save me a lot of phone calls, plus I forget who I have updated and who I haven't.

Here we go...

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