Monday, January 26, 2009

We Can't Thank Everyone Enough!

I don't even know where to start. We have now made it to 28 weeks and are so excited!!! We never could have gotten this far without ALL of you, your support, your concern, your thoughts, your prayers! Praise God for everyone and for his loving hand on our little one!!

I'd like to give special thanks to my father, who has been here since the beginning. He has been sooooo wonderful, and has put up with us day in and day out. Besides taking great care of Andrew (who just loves him dearly), he has taken on cooking, household chores, Andrew's health issues, appt.'s to physical therapy, my mood swings :), just to name a few...words cannot describe how incredible thankful we are! He has taken time (3 weeks+ per month!!) out of his busy schedule (and normally his time in the warm weather of Texas) to spend helping us. We Love You Dad! Of course, the same goes to his loving wife, who has had to spend so much time at home without her husband...thank you for your love and understanding.

Thank you to those who have helped on days my dad could not be here, for dinners that have been delivered, phone calls, cards, emails, prayers, and visiting me at home. We are very blessed to have such wonderful people in our lives!!!

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