Thursday, February 12, 2009

Back Again!

Back again. I have gotten a lot of baby time today, so thought I would take a break and blog. We are both excited, we get to bathe Matthew this afternoon. From now on, I kangaroo (hold) Matthew one day, bathe the next, etc... He is doing very well today. Yesterday afternoon, they put him back on a nasal cannula because his O2 stats were hanging around in the 80s (%). This is normal, he is just tired of breathing on his own. He has had 3 x-rays showing some immaturity to his lungs and one is slightly collapsed due to him not filling it all the way. Again, the NICU docs reassure us that this is normal with preemies, and they will mature over time. They will continue to monitor this as the days go on. Matthew gained weight yesterday for the first time and they are increasing his tube feedings daily. His bilirubin (jaundice) has lowered today (good thing) and they took him off the lights. He seems so content today compared to yesterday due to more relaxed breathing. He opened his eyes a lot today and looked as though he really wanted to know where I was. He has also been very active (arms and legs) today. We just praise God that he is doing so well. He is now 6 days old and just short of 31 weeks gestation.

I was looking at a chart today on gestational age and weight. A 29 week old avg. was approx. 2.8lbs, and a 34 week avg. was 4.6! I guess he was a little bigger :) 87th percentile. He already makes us proud :)

I actually got a good night sleep last night...7 whole hours, despite 3 hour breaks for pumping. I feel so rested compared to yesterday (or any day since the baby was born). I have been up here everyday and yesterday I just crashed and knew I needed rest. Andrew is also getting tired of me being away, I feel so torn right now :( I am hoping that he will stay strong and try to understand why Mom has to be gone right now. If Matthew is doing very well, I am going to leave a little early and spend a few quality "playtime" hours with Andrew.

Andrew has been a little stuffy the last couple days. It seems like allergies with the warm up and damp weather, and we are hoping it doesn't go any further. You wouldn't know it, he is such a trooper. We are so blessed to have him as our child.

Mom and Dad Calvin are doing are great, despite the sleep deprivation and busy schedule. The hospital NICU has some great resources/programs/support that make as feel as welcome and informed as possible and we feel that Matthew is in great hands when we can not be present. Eric took this week off and has also gotten to spend some time with both Matthew and Andrew and will be returning to work next week as long as all is well.

My dad is staying as long as we need him and he also is a real trooper...and taking on even more responsibility now. Love you Dad!!

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