Saturday, February 7, 2009

Matthew's Arrival!

Matthew Joseph Calvin has arrived! He was born at 11:04pm last night (Friday). He weighs 4 lbs 1oz (which is amazing!), he is 17 inches long (again shocking!) and doing very well. He is very feisty right now, which I think is adorable :) He has a breathing tube, but is doing a lot on his own and may not be in long. He has a feeding tube and it will be some time before he will feed normally due to age. He was born at 29 wks, 6 days. We are very happy and doing well. Andrew is sooo excited to be a big brother!!!

I will add more details to this blog later and pictures once I get home (a few days). Right now I want to go visit my son :)


  1. Oh, Thank you, Jesus1 You have provided a miracle for us!!!

  2. Congratulations you guys! We are so happy for you guys. Looking forward to hearing the updates.

  3. Congratulations!!! I'm so happy things are going so well. I can't believe his weight and height! He's only a little smaller than Eli was and he was full-term!! That is truly a miracle! Please let me know if you need anything. I will continue to pray for Matthew!

  4. Congrats!!!We are so excited for you guys. We serve an awesome God who is able to do amazing things. We will pray for strength and recovery as well as continued growth and medical marvels from Matthew. Can't wait to see pictures and receiv e updates. God Blees
    The Riley's

  5. Oh Laura!!!!!!!!!
    I am so excited and just praising the Lord for you, Matthew, Eric and Andrew!
    What amazing news! God is so good, Laura!
    Love ya!

  6. Congratulations! I saw Caryn's email this morning and was so excited to read this in your blog. We are so happy that things are looking positive and Matthew seems as healthy as can be expected! Congrats Mama!!!

  7. Dear Laura and Eric, Duane and I were SO happy to hear your good news. God is good. We are rejoicing with you. Love to you both and Andrew and Baby Matthew. God bless, Jill and Duane
