Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Just Over 4 Days Old!

I know what your all saying...It's about time! I have to be completely honest though and say it is really hard to stay here and type instead of being at Matthew's bedside. I thought maybe I could type next to him, but so far can not because I just can't stop watching, comforting, and talking to our cute little guy! Ok, ok...I know what your saying now too...Where are the pictures????? They are coming, be patient. It's just that by the time I get home and spend a little time with Andrew, I am totally exhausted. I know it doesn't take long to download my pictures and put them on this sight and I promise :) they will get here soon enough (give me a few more days or so to get into some type of routine).

I am surviving on about 5 hours of sleep daily. If I make a million spelling/grammar mistakes, don't take it against me :)

Matthew Joseph Calvin arrived Friday at 11:04, 4lbs and 1oz., 17inches long. His name trully fits him in our eyes because Matthew means "Gift from God", and Joseph means "God will add". I could go into why this means so much to me, besides the obvious, but it is a whole blog in itself, and I will save that for another time.

It all started about 3:20pm, Friday when my contractions started picking up, getting closer, but nothing too out of the usual (If you remember, my water broke again on Thursday and I was dialated to 1cm). As 4:30pm rolled around, my contractions started getting stronger. This, of course, is the day I told Eric to stay home. By the time he arrived my contractions were still strong and the docs decided it was time to take out the cerclage. By 7:30pm, I had the epidural and then the cerclage was removed (about 8:30pm). I was dialated to 4-5cm. Approx. 1
hour later?? I was having more back pain and was dialated to 9cm and his head could be seen. They then took me to the OR and I was completely ready to deliver. After approx. 5 sets of pushing (Eric said around 15 min.), little Matthew came into our lives (11:04pm). I got to see him a lot longer than I expected, he cried :), and Eric got to cut the umbilical cord. The NICU docs than took him to another room to prep him for his stay. We didn't get to see Matthew until around 2:30pm!! It was a very long wait, but he was fine. He was put on a ventilator for breathing, tube-feeding, IV, and various standard monitors (heart rate, etc.)

He was strong from the start. By 1:30pm Sat., they removed the breathing tube and replaced it with a C-PAP (over the nose breathing tube), by 4pm they removed the C-PAP and put in a nasal canula to give extra O2, then because be was breathing over the O2, they removed it by 8pm. He is still on room air!!! and doing great.

He has lost some weight and a lot of he is very little, but big for his age (gestational), if that make sense. The last couple days his weight has remained about the same and they are increasing his feeding (breastmilk now..he is off nutrients) daily. Once he tolerates the food increases, he can get rid of the IV. I believe he is around 3 lbs, 6-7oz (still good). His bilirubin levels were high on Sunday and they put him under "the lights" and he was just "soaking up the rays" until Tuesday morning. His level has gone down, but flucuates, so they still have a blue light underneath (this is all for jaundice, which is normal in preemies)...Andrew had to do this too. The 1st ultrasound of Matthew's brain came back completely normal, and we hope that this will continue. He is at risk for brain bleeds until he hits 32 weeks.

Mom and Dad were able to change diapers and bathe Matthew for the 1st time on Sunday. Yesturday, Mom got to "kangaroo"/hold Matthew on my chest for the 1st time for 2 and 1/2 hours!!! And today, I got to hold him for 1 and 1/2 hour!!!! That's what I needed and it was absolutely wonderful!!! (I had to fight with the nurse because I just didn't want to let him go!!!!) Needless to say, I slept much better last night. Andrew has seen his little brother twice now and is very fond of him. He thinks all the tubes, etc. are "Cool" :) and he is going to be a great big brother.

I have to go now...but I will add more later...YES!...including some pictures!


  1. Absolutely amazing. I am so glad to hear that all is well and Matthew seems to be quite the fighter and indeed, a Gift from God. You are still in my prayers. Love you guys.

  2. I am very happy to hear he is doing well. We can't wait for him to be able to go home and we can meet him. Tina

  3. So glad to hear things are going so well and wil continue to pray for weight gain and against bleeds. Love you bundles and am so excited for you all!
    Tracey Riley

  4. Yay! I've been checking your blog like crazy to see how he is doing. Thanks for the update! It sounds like he is a strong little man! I'm so excited to see pictures too! I'll continue to pray. Keep the updates coming. :)
    Amy Solomon
